Take the Grandtrunkway to Torrens Island, after crossing the North Arm bridge, turn right onto Garden Island and follow the road to the Boatramp carpark.
Flatwater conditions. Always check wind strength and tidal information before departure. The strength of tidal currents may affect progress, in particular in narrow tidal creeks and passages.
Caution: The boat ramp is often busy and powered craft may be encountered. Remember to give way to powered craft when in the boating channel.
Facilities: Bar-b-que, shady trees, picnic tables, grassy area, toilets, change-rooms and extensive parking area.
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary: Do not be tempted to disrupt the dolphin's natural behaviour by approaching dolphins. The Garden Island Boatramp is an entry point into the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary. Covering 118 sq kms including Barker and Angus Inlet, Port River, the North Arm and all the tidal creeks. As with bird-watching a notebook is a handy tool for recording the individual features of each dolphin. Although dolphins won't appear on request the sanctuary has a resident pod of approximately 30 dolphins and a further 300 dolphins regularly visit.
The area has great scenic value with numerous water-birds nesting both in the mangroves and on Section Bank (sometimes referred to as Bird Island) at the northern end of Torrens Island. Do not enter the rookery area on Section Bank where you will find nesting ibis, spoonbills, pelicans, cormorants, and other water-birds. There are also opportunities for photography, fishing, viewing marine mammals,
The area has a fragile environment including being the most southerly mangrove forest. Avoid damaging the exposed pneumataphotes of mangrove trees as these are part of the root system that helps anchor the plant in the soft mud and also bring oxygen to the plant in the anaerobic (low oxygen) water soaked soil. Be aware that mosquitoes can be a problem at times and will be numerous close to dawn and dusk.
Waterproof maps of the area (Torrens Island and Environs) are available from Canoe SA and other suppliers (see list on Canoe SA website)
Launching point for many and varied trips in the area.
Boat wash down area available, remember to take your own hose with clip-lock fittings
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